====== Programmeur horaire pour switch et actionneur ====== {{tag>ESP8266}} Le code de départ est celui de https://github.com/ElToberino/Tobers_Timeswitch Tobers Timeswitch is a versatile and multifunctional timeswitch for ESP8266 devices, based on the great timeswitches on fipsok.de (Jens Fleischer). j'ai modifié celui-ci pour notre poulaillé Poulpidou dans une 2 eme version avec l'idée de commander un moteur (L298N) , il y a 2 bouttons de fin de course comme pour le premier poulpidou Les heures d'ouvertures sont les heures ON, celle de fermeture OFF, c'est le changement d'état qui provoque soit l'ouverture , soit la fermeture de la porte on peut ouvrir ou fermer la porte par la page html ou juste en postant http://IP../ouvert ou ferme // ********************************************* // // TOBERS TIMESWITCH // FOR ESP8266 // // V 1.0 - 18.04.2021 // // ********************************************* // addon gepeto@du-libre.org 10/10/2021 // L298 driver + pour ouverture de porte + 2 buttons fin de course // // TOBERS TIMESWITCH is a versatile and multifunctional time switch for ESP8266 devices, // based on the great time switches created by Jens Fleischer and presented on https://www.fipsok.de. // // Features: // - classic time switch functions widely configurable for every single day, adjustable number of switching times // - many different twilight modes configurable // - countdown timer // - master-client administration to program many devices by one click // - comfortable configuration of nearly all parameters via web interface with optional authentication for html sites // // For instructions and further information see: https://www.hackster.io/eltoberino/tobers-timeswitch-for-esp8266-ab3e06 // // // Copyright (c) 2021 Tobias Schulz // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // // *************************************************************** // // successfully compiled with ARDUINO IDE 1.8.13 // // required board installation: // - ESP8266 core for Arduino -> https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino successfully compiled with V 2.7.4 // // required libraries: // - my fork of WifiManager library (development branch) by tzapu/tablatronix -> https://github.com/ElToberino/WiFiManager_for_Multidisplay // // required files: // - all files delivered with this ino.file are required! -> the files in folder data must be uploaded on LittleFS // --> NOTE: Flash Size Setting: Flash Size (FS) must be at least 192k! <-- // // **************************************************************** // // Credits: // - Special thanks to Jens Fleischer - the timeswitches presented on his site are the nucleus around which I built my own version of a timeswitch. // His fantastic website www.fipsok.de is one of the best places in the web to find inspiration and help concerning ESP8266 and ESP32 projects. // - HTML background pattern graphic by Henry Daubrez, taken from http://thepatternlibrary.com/ // - Thanks to the many, many other programmers and enthusiasts whose work and helpfulness enabled me to realize such a project. // // *************************************************************** // // PLEASE NOTICE THE COMMENTS and set the configuration parameters in section "USER SETTINGS" according to your setup. // // *************************************************************** #include #include #include #include // WiFiManager_for_Multidisplay, my fork of WifiManager library by tzapu/tablatronix -> https://github.com/ElToberino/WiFiManager_for_Multidisplay #include // required for WifiManager #include //// --> USER SETTINGS <-- //// #define DEBUG // show debug messages in serial monitor (57600) #define LOCAL_LANG // enable local language // PIN DEFINITIONS : // see: https://tttapa.github.io/ESP8266/Chap04%20-%20Microcontroller.html const uint8_t relPin = D8; // set pin for activ relay const uint8_t aktiv = HIGH; // active state of (relay) porte const uint8_t ledPin = D4; // set pin for status LED const uint8_t led_aktiv = LOW; // active state of LED const uint8_t buttonPin = 0; // set pin for manual switch button const uint8_t button_aktiv = LOW; // state of pressed button //Brochage // Driver moteur - NodeCU const uint8_t enA = D7; //wemos D7 const uint8_t in1 = D6; //wemos D6 const uint8_t in2 = D5; //wemos D5 const uint8_t Pin_ferme_ok = D1; const uint8_t Pin_ouvert_ok = D2; bool ouvert = false; bool ferme = false; bool ouvre_en_cours = false; bool ferme_en_cours = false; float temps_debut = 0; // temps au début de l'action de la porte float temps_maxi = 30000; // temps maxi ouverture porte float temps_milli = 0; // // TIME ZONE : const char* timezone = "CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3"; // = CET/CEST --> for adjusting your local time zone see: https://github.com/nayarsystems/posix_tz_db/blob/master/zones.csv //// --> END OF USER SETTINGS <-- //// //// WIFI //// #ifdef LOCAL_LANG const char* AP_NAME = "Poulpidou_1"; // Parameters of wifimanager configportal and/or operation as Access Point without WiFi connection #else const char* AP_NAME = "Switch_b"; #endif const char* AP_PW = ""; // set a password here if you don't want the AP to be open -> at least 8 characters ! IPAddress AP_IP(192, 168, 4, 1); IPAddress AP_Netmask(255, 255, 255, 0); uint8_t static_Mode_enabled = 0; bool wifiManagerWasCalled = false; // is set to true if WifiManager is executed on startup bool AP_established = false; // is set to true if WifiManager was skipped anddevice operates as AP #ifdef LOCAL_LANG const char replaceH1[] = ""; #else const char replaceH1[] = ""; #endif ///// TIME SERVER AND DATE //// char ntpServer[41] = "pool.ntp.org"; // can be changed via web interface // server pool prefix "2." could be necessary with IPv6 uint8_t refreshTime = 10; // interval of time server call in minutes; can be configured via web interface struct tm tm; extern "C" uint8_t sntp_getreachability(uint8_t); // shows reachability of NTP Server (value != 0 means server could be reached) see explanation in http://savannah.nongnu.org/patch/?9581#comment0: char timeshow[10] = "XX:XX"; // array shwiwng current time char date[9] = "00/00/00"; // array showing current date char timestamp[25] = "no information"; // time stamp of start up bool timestampExists = false; // is set to true after first successful time server call bool DST_state; // is set true if DST (Daylight Saving Time) is active unsigned long previousTimeCall = 0; #ifdef LOCAL_LANG // messages only called by print functions (FPSTR not reqired) can be saved in flash to save RAM const char msgTime[] PROGMEM = "h"; #else const char msgTime[] PROGMEM = "h"; #endif const uint8_t numOfLogs = 10; // number of server logs char serverLog[numOfLogs][60]; // array for time server logs accessabke via web interface double longitude = -3.836757; // geographical longitude double latitude = 47.986412; // geographical latitude char dawn[6]; // twilight -> morning char dusk[6]; // twilight -> evening char sunRise[6]; // sunrise char sunSet[6]; // sunset uint8_t choice = 0; // contains choice between sunrise/sunset or twilight as reference for switching times uint8_t twilight_type = 6; // defines value for twilight calculation: civil = 6, nautic = 12, astronomic = 18 //// WEBSERVER //// ESP8266WebServer server(80); //// AUTHENTICATION //// uint8_t enableAuth = 1; // enable html basic authentication (1 = enabled) char www_username[21] = "time"; // credendtials for html sites -> must be entered in browser to reach ALL html sites char www_password[21] = "switch"; //// OTA //// #ifdef LOCAL_LANG const char OTAsuccessMsg[] PROGMEM = "
Update ok"; const char OTAfailMsg[] PROGMEM = "
Update mauvais"; #else const char OTAsuccessMsg[] PROGMEM = "
Update successful"; const char OTAfailMsg[] PROGMEM = "
Update failed"; #endif //// TIME SWITCH //// bool relState = !aktiv; // initial relState = off char devicename[21]; // name of time switch const uint8_t maxSize = 40; // max number of switching times uint8_t count = 4; // number of active switching times, configurable via web interface struct Collection { // MAIN ARRAY containing all switching times and activation data bool fixed; // all times activated/deactivated byte switchActive[maxSize]; // individual activation state byte wday[maxSize]; // selected weekdays char switchTime[maxSize * 2][6]; // switching times byte astro[maxSize]; // replacement of switching times by astro values (0 = manual switching times active, 1 = astro switching times active) } times; unsigned long eggTimerStartTime; // start time of egg timer in millis bool eggTimerState = false; // egg timer activation state uint16_t countdownTime; // countdown time in minutes bool fixedFlag; // saves 'fixed' state while egg timer is active bool timesChangedflag; // changes when switching times have been updated const uint8_t numOfClients = 20; // Master mode: max number of clients char UhrClients[numOfClients][17]; // Master mode: array with IP addresses of clients //// FUNCTIONS //// void wificonnect() { // read https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=652513 to understand how WiFi setup works on ESP uint8_t wifi_retry = 0; uint8_t staticIP = 0; File f = LittleFS.open("/IP_mode.txt", "r"); // reads information saved on LittleFS file if device shall connect with static IP if (!f) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("opening \"IP_mode.txt\" failed"); #endif } else { String temp0 = f.readStringUntil('\n'); temp0.trim(); staticIP = temp0.toInt(); String temp1 = f.readStringUntil('\n'); temp1.trim(); uint32_t IP_raw1 = temp1.toInt(); IPAddress ip(IP_raw1); String temp2 = f.readStringUntil('\n'); temp2.trim(); uint32_t IP_raw2 = temp2.toInt(); IPAddress gateway(IP_raw2); String temp3 = f.readStringUntil('\n'); temp3.trim(); uint32_t IP_raw3 = temp3.toInt(); IPAddress subnet(IP_raw3); String temp4 = f.readStringUntil('\n'); temp4.trim(); uint32_t IP_raw4 = temp4.toInt(); IPAddress dns(IP_raw4); f.close(); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("IP Configuartion loaded from LittleFS:"); Serial.print("Static IP enabled: "); Serial.println(staticIP); if (staticIP == 1) { Serial.print("IP: "); Serial.println(ip); Serial.print("Gateway: "); Serial.println(gateway); Serial.print("Subnet: "); Serial.println(subnet); Serial.print("DNS: "); Serial.println(dns); } #endif if (staticIP == 1) WiFi.config(ip, gateway, subnet, dns); // sets static IP parameters } // end of else (-> if file exists!) WiFi.softAPdisconnect(true); // closes AP mode on startup to avoid ESP working as AP during normal operation while (WiFi.waitForConnectResult() != WL_CONNECTED && wifi_retry < 3) { // retries connecting to WiFi if connection has failed on start up #ifdef DEBUG Serial.print("Not yet connected...retrying - Attempt No. "); Serial.println(wifi_retry + 1); #endif WiFi.begin(); delay(3000); wifi_retry++; } if (wifi_retry >= 3) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("no connection, starting AP"); Serial.println("... starting AP"); #endif WiFiManager wifiManager; wifiManager.useLittleFS(); // enables wifi manager loading files from LittleFS wifiManager.setAPStaticIPConfig(AP_IP, AP_IP, AP_Netmask); // sets IP adress of AP with config portal wifiManager.setCustomHeadElement(replaceH1); // replaces "

Tobers Multidisplay

" in config portal html -> WifiManager_for_multidisplay can be used without changes wifiManager.setConfigPortalTimeout(300); // timeout for configportal in seconds wifiManager.startConfigPortal(AP_NAME, AP_PW); if (wifiManager.getTimeoutState() == true) { // if config portal has timed out, ESP restarts #ifdef DEBUG // (-> necessary after power blackout, when Home WiFi network needs some time to start up again) Serial.println("Config Portal has timed out. Restarting..."); #endif delay(500); ESP.restart(); } wifiManagerWasCalled = true; if (wifiManager.getStaticMode() == true) { // gets information from WiFiManager if connection has been made with static IP static_Mode_enabled = 1; // and writes it to file on LittleFS for future start ups. } File f = LittleFS.open("/IP_mode.txt", "w"); f.printf("%i\n%i\n%i\n%i\n%i\n", static_Mode_enabled, uint32_t(WiFi.localIP()), uint32_t(WiFi.gatewayIP()), uint32_t(WiFi.subnetMask()), uint32_t(WiFi.dnsIP())); f.close(); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("IP Configuration saved on LittleFS:"); Serial.print("Static IP enabled: "); Serial.println(static_Mode_enabled); Serial.print("IP: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); Serial.print("Gateway: "); Serial.println(WiFi.gatewayIP()); Serial.print("Subnet: "); Serial.println(WiFi.subnetMask()); Serial.print("DNS: "); Serial.println(WiFi.dnsIP()); #endif } if (WiFi.waitForConnectResult() == WL_CONNECTED) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.print("Connected to network \""); Serial.print(WiFi.SSID()); Serial.print("\" with IP "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); #endif } } void checkIfAP() { // opens access point if captive portal is skipped via "Exit" if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED && wifiManagerWasCalled == true) { WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP); delay(500); // WiFi.softAPConfig(AP_IP, AP_IP, AP_Netmask); WiFi.softAP(AP_NAME, AP_PW); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.print("AP started with IP "); Serial.println(WiFi.softAPIP()); #endif AP_established = true; } if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED && wifiManagerWasCalled == true) { // restart necessary due to possible static IP settings #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("Wifi ok, restarting device"); #endif delay(500); ESP.restart(); } } void getTimeFromServer() { uint8_t time_retry = 0; // counter for connection attempts to time server struct tm initial; // temp struct for checking if year==1970 (no received time information means year is 1970) initial.tm_year = 70; static uint8_t z = 0; // counter for array serverLog while (initial.tm_year == 70 && time_retry < 15) { if (esp8266::coreVersionNumeric() >= 20700000) { configTime(timezone, ntpServer); } else { // ensures compatibility with ESP8266 Arduino Core Versions < 2.7.0 setenv("TZ", timezone , 1); configTime(0, 0, ntpServer); } delay(500); if (sntp_getreachability(0) != 0) { // if sntp_getreachability(0) == 0 -> ntp server call failed time_t now = time(&now); localtime_r(&now, &initial); } #ifdef DEBUG Serial.print("Time Server connection attempt: "); Serial.println(time_retry + 1); Serial.print("Reachabilty Value: "); Serial.println(sntp_getreachability(0)); Serial.print("current year: "); Serial.println(1900 + initial.tm_year); #endif time_retry++; } if (time_retry >= 15 && initial.tm_year == 70 ) { snprintf(serverLog[z], sizeof(serverLog[z]), "%s - %s %s:
>> %s ❌", date, timeshow, msgTime, ntpServer); // writes time and state (-> fail) of last 10 server calls into array serverLOG #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("Connection to time server failed"); #endif } else { time_t now = time(&now); localtime_r(&now, &tm); strftime (timeshow, sizeof(timeshow), "%H:%M", &tm); // writes current time into array timeshow strftime (date, sizeof(date), "%y/%m/%d", &tm); // writes current date into array date if (tm.tm_isdst == 1) DST_state = true; // checks if DST is active else DST_state = false; snprintf(serverLog[z], sizeof(serverLog[z]), "%s - %s %s:
>> %s ✅", date, timeshow, msgTime, ntpServer); // writes time and state (-> success) of last 10 server calls into array serverLOG if (timestampExists == false) { char tempTimestamp[25]; strftime(tempTimestamp, sizeof(tempTimestamp), "%d.%m.%Y - %H:%M", &tm); // writes time of first server call into array timestamp, see http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/ctime/strftime/ snprintf(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), "%s %s", tempTimestamp, msgTime); timestampExists = true; } #ifdef DEBUG Serial.print("Successfully requested current time from server: "); Serial.print(timeshow); Serial.println(DST_state ? " - Daylight Saving Time" : " - Standard Time"); #endif digitalWrite(ledPin, !led_aktiv); // LED is turned off, if time has been loaded successfully on device startup! } z++; if (z == numOfLogs) z = 0; } void timeGuard() { if (millis() - previousTimeCall > (refreshTime * 60000)) { // calling time server every x minutes; "refreshTime" configurable via web interface getTimeFromServer(); previousTimeCall = millis(); } static bool last_DST_state = DST_state; static uint8_t lastday; if (tm.tm_isdst == 1) DST_state = true; // checks if DST is active else DST_state = false; if (tm.tm_mday != lastday || DST_state != last_DST_state) { // calculate astro times at 0:00 h and when DST state has changed lastday = tm.tm_mday; last_DST_state = DST_state; calculateSun(); } } void switchButtonGuard() { // manual button press function uint8_t tmCount = 0; bool longpress = false; while (digitalRead(buttonPin) == button_aktiv) { tmCount++; delay(100); if (tmCount > 40) { // if button pressed longer than 4 sec -> restart #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("Long button press - restarting device"); #endif ESP.restart(); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("set true"); #endif longpress = true; } } if (tmCount > 0 && longpress == false) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("Relay manually activated by button press"); // if button press < 4 sec -> manual relay state change #endif relState = !relState; } } void singleTimerSwitch() { // sends, receives and processes timeswitch data via html sites pinMode(relPin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(relPin, !aktiv); File file = LittleFS.open("/ctime.dat", "r"); if (file && file.size() == sizeof(times)) { // loads data if file exists and if file size is ok file.read(reinterpret_cast(×), sizeof(times)); file.close(); } else { // if file doesn't exist for (auto i = 0; i < count; i++) { times.switchActive[i] = 1; // activation of all switching times times.wday[i] = ~times.wday[i]; // activation of all week days times.astro[i] = 0; // astro times deactivated for all times } } server.on("/timer", HTTP_POST, []() { if (server.args() == 1) { // activation/deactivation of switching time: times.switchActive[server.argName(0).toInt()] = server.arg(0).toInt(); // receives and processes activation state of switching times //printer(); String temp = "\""; for (uint8_t j = 0; j < count; j++) temp += times.switchActive[j]; temp += "\""; server.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); // required for master html sites, allows showing cross origin requests server.send(200, "application/json", temp); } if (server.hasArg("sTime")) { // setting new switching times: byte i = 0; // receives and processes switching times and days char str[count * 14]; strcpy (str, server.arg("sTime").c_str()); char* ptr = strtok(str, ","); while (ptr != NULL) { strcpy (times.switchTime[i++], ptr); ptr = strtok(NULL, ","); } if (server.arg("sDay")) { i = 0; strcpy (str, server.arg("sDay").c_str()); char* ptr = strtok(str, ","); while (ptr != NULL) { times.wday[i++] = atoi(ptr); ptr = strtok(NULL, ","); } } if (server.arg("State")) { // used only when called from master-main-switch.html: i = 0; // -> processes on/off state of every single time strcpy (str, server.arg("State").c_str()); char* ptr = strtok(str, ","); while (ptr != NULL) { times.switchActive[i++] = atoi(ptr); ptr = strtok(NULL, ","); } } if (server.arg("SunValue")) { // used only when called from master-main-switch.html: i = 0; // -> processes astro value -> values "choice" and "twilight_value" are not affected! strcpy (str, server.arg("SunValue").c_str()); char* ptr = strtok(str, ","); while (ptr != NULL) { times.astro[i++] = atoi(ptr); ptr = strtok(NULL, ","); } processAstro(); } for (uint8_t j = count; j < maxSize; j++) { // deletes switching times and deactivates unused slots in array times snprintf(times.switchTime[j * 2], sizeof(times.switchTime[j * 2]), "0 "); snprintf(times.switchTime[(j * 2) + 1], sizeof(times.switchTime[(j * 2) + 1]), "0 "); times.switchActive[j] = 0; times.wday[j] = 127; times.astro[j] = 0; } printer(); // call of saving function } String temp = "["; // sends switching times, activated week days and activation state to html page for (uint8_t j = 0; j < (count * 2); j++) { if (temp != "[") temp += ','; temp += (String)"\"" + times.switchTime[j] + "\""; } temp += ",\""; for (uint8_t j = 0; j < count; j++) { temp += times.switchActive[j]; } for (uint8_t j = 0; j < count; j++) { temp += "\",\""; temp += times.wday[j]; } temp += "\",\""; for (uint8_t j = 0; j < count; j++) { temp += times.astro[j]; } temp += "\"]"; server.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); server.send(200, "application/json", temp); }); server.on("/timer", HTTP_GET, []() { if (server.hasArg("tog") && server.arg(0) == "tog") relState = !relState; // manual change of relay state initiated by button press on website if (server.hasArg("tog") && server.arg(0) == "fix") { times.fixed = !times.fixed; // activate/deactivate all switching times initiated by button press on website #ifdef DEBUG Serial.printf("All switching times %s\n", times.fixed == true ? "deactivated" : "activated"); #endif } if (server.hasArg("tog") && server.arg(0) == "go") times.fixed = false; // required for master function: acivates/deactivates all time switches simultaniously, independent from their current state if (server.hasArg("tog") && server.arg(0) == "stop") times.fixed = true; // if (server.hasArg("tog") && server.arg(0) == "on") relState = aktiv; // if (server.hasArg("tog") && server.arg(0) == "off") relState = !aktiv; // String singleTimeStates; for (uint8_t j = 0; j < count; j++) singleTimeStates += times.switchActive[j]; server.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); server.send(200, "application/json", (String)"[\"" + (relState == aktiv) + "\",\"" + timeshow + "\",\"" + times.fixed + "\",\"" + singleTimeStates + "\",\"" + timesChangedflag + "\",\"" + count + "\"]"); }); } void printer() { // writes all data of main array 'times' to file ctime.dat on LittleFS File file = LittleFS.open("/ctime.dat", "w"); if (file) { file.write(reinterpret_cast(×), sizeof(times)); file.close(); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("Circuit times saved successfully"); #endif timesChangedflag = !timesChangedflag; } } void timerSwitch() { // monitors time and switching times and activates/deactivates relay static uint8_t lastmin = CHAR_MAX; static uint8_t lastState = aktiv; time_t now = time(&now); localtime_r(&now, &tm); if (tm.tm_min != lastmin) { lastmin = tm.tm_min; strftime (timeshow, sizeof(timeshow), "%H:%M", &tm); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.print("current time: "); Serial.println(timeshow); #endif if (!times.fixed) { char buf[6]; sprintf(buf, "%.2d:%.2d", tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min); for (auto i = 0; i < count * 2; i++) { if (times.switchActive[i / 2] && !strcmp(times.switchTime[i], buf)) { if (times.wday[i / 2] & (1 << (tm.tm_wday ? tm.tm_wday - 1 : 6))) relState = i & 1 ? !aktiv : aktiv; } } } } if (relState != lastState) { // turns relay on/off if its state has changed if (relState) Ouvre(); else Ferme(); lastState = relState; //digitalWrite(relPin, relState); // #ifdef DEBUG Serial.printf("Relay o%s\n", digitalRead(relPin) == aktiv ? "n" : "ff"); #endif } } ///////////// ouvre et ferme sur 2 bouton de fin de course void Verif_etat() { // on a fin de course , on arrete tout if (digitalRead(Pin_ouvert_ok) == LOW && ouvre_en_cours == true ) { analogWrite(enA, 0); // stop ouvre_en_cours = false; ouvert = true; ferme = false; temps_debut = 0; relState = true; } if (digitalRead(Pin_ferme_ok) == LOW && ferme_en_cours == true ) { analogWrite(enA, 0); // stop ferme_en_cours = false; ferme = true; ouvert = false; temps_debut = 0; relState = false; } #ifdef DEBUG delay(500); if (digitalRead(Pin_ouvert_ok) == LOW ) Serial.println("OUVERT"); if (digitalRead(Pin_ferme_ok) == LOW ) Serial.println("FERME"); if (ouvre_en_cours == true) { Serial.println ("0uvre en cours") ; Serial.println(millis() - temps_debut); } if (ferme_en_cours == true) { Serial.println ("Ferme en cours") ; Serial.println(millis() - temps_debut); } #endif } void Ouvre() { Serial.print("Ouvre"); if (digitalRead(Pin_ouvert_ok) == LOW && ouvert == false) { analogWrite(enA, 0); // stop ouvert = true; ferme = false; Serial.println(" en butee"); } else { digitalWrite(in1, LOW); digitalWrite(in2, HIGH); analogWrite(enA, 100); temps_debut = millis(); // on arme le temps pour stop si trop long ouvre_en_cours = true; ferme_en_cours = false; } } void Ferme() { Serial.print("Ferme"); if (digitalRead(Pin_ferme_ok) == LOW && ferme == false) { analogWrite(enA, 0); // stop ouvert = false; ferme = true; Serial.println(" en butee"); } else { digitalWrite(in1, HIGH); digitalWrite(in2, LOW); analogWrite(enA, 100); temps_debut = millis(); // on arme le temps pour stop si trop long ouvre_en_cours = false; ferme_en_cours = true; } } void Arreter() { analogWrite(enA, 0); digitalWrite(in1, LOW); digitalWrite(in2, LOW); Serial.println("Stop"); ouvre_en_cours = false; ferme_en_cours = false; } void startEggTimer() { // starts countdown timer if (server.hasArg("EggTime")) { if (eggTimerState == false) fixedFlag = times.fixed; // keeps 'fixed state' before egg timer start while timer is running and times are fixed countdownTime = server.arg("EggTime").toInt(); eggTimerStartTime = millis(); eggTimerState = true; times.fixed = true; // fixes all switching times while timer is running relState = aktiv; server.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); server.send(200, "text/plain", ""); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.printf("Saved Fixed State: %s\n", fixedFlag ? "true" : "false"); Serial.printf("Egg Timer started: Relay on for %i minutes\n", countdownTime); #endif } if (server.hasArg("EggStop")) { // manual stop of egg timer eggTimerState = false; relState = !aktiv; times.fixed = fixedFlag; server.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); server.send(200, "text/plain", ""); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("Egg Timer manually switched off"); Serial.printf("Restored Fixed State: %s\n", fixedFlag ? "true" : "false"); #endif } } void showEggTimeLeft() { // sends egg timer state and/or remaining time to requesting html site String temp; if (eggTimerState == true) { unsigned long leftSecs = (countdownTime * 60) - ((millis() - eggTimerStartTime) / 1000); temp = "{\"TimeLeft\":\"" + String(leftSecs) + "\", \"Relais\":\"" + String(relState == aktiv) + "\"}"; } else { temp = "{\"TimeLeft\":\"inaktiv\", \"Relais\":\"" + String(relState == aktiv) + "\"}"; } server.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); server.send(200, "application/json", temp); } void eggTimerGuard() { // monitors eggTimer state / countdown time and switches off relay when time has elapsed if (millis() - eggTimerStartTime >= (countdownTime * 60000) && eggTimerState == true) { eggTimerState = false; relState = !aktiv; times.fixed = fixedFlag; #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("Egg Timer off"); Serial.printf("Restored Fixed State: %s\n", fixedFlag ? "true" : "false"); #endif } } void showDeviceName() { // sends device name to html sites String temp = "{\"No1\":\"" + String(devicename) + "\"}"; server.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); server.send(200, "application/json", temp); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.printf("Device Name \"%s\" sent successfully\n", devicename); #endif } void showCounts() { // sends number of switching times (counts) to html sites String helper = ""; for (uint8_t j = 0; j < count; j++) helper += times.astro[j]; String temp = "{\"No1\":\"" + String(count) + "\", \"No2\":\"" + helper + "\"}"; server.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); server.send(200, "application/json", temp); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.printf("Counts (number of active switching times) sent successfully: %i\n", count); #endif } void showConfig() { // sends all configuration data to requesting html page String Network_Name = "Onkelweb"; String Network_IP = ""; if (AP_established == false) { Network_Name = WiFi.SSID().c_str(); Network_IP = WiFi.localIP().toString(); } else { String MyAP = AP_NAME; Network_Name = "AP " + MyAP; Network_IP = WiFi.softAPIP().toString(); } String temp = "{\"Name\":\"" + String(devicename) + "\", \"Timestamp\":\"" + String(timestamp) + "\", \"SSID\":\"" + Network_Name + "\", \"IP\":\"" + Network_IP + "\", \"CNT\":\"" + String(count) + "\", \"MaxS\":\"" + String(maxSize) + "\", \"NTP\":\"" + String(ntpServer) + "\", \"REF\":\"" + String(refreshTime) + "\", \"USER\":\"" + String(www_username) + "\", \"PW\":\"" + String(www_password) + "\" , \"EnaAuth\":\"" + String(enableAuth) + "\" , \"Long\":\"" + String(longitude, 10) + "\" , \"Lat\":\"" + String(latitude, 10) + "\", \"TWI\":\"" + String(twilight_type) + "\"}"; server.send(200, "application/json", temp); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("Successfully sent current configuration data:"); Serial.printf("Device Name:\"%s\", Counts (number of active switching times):\"%i\", NTP Server:\"%s\", NTP Refresh Time:\"%i\", Enable Auth:%i, Username:\"%s\", " "Password:\"%s\", Timestamp:\"%s\", Longitude: %f, Latitude: %f, Twilight Type:%i\n", devicename, count, ntpServer, refreshTime, enableAuth, www_username, www_password, timestamp, longitude, latitude, twilight_type); #endif } void handleConfig() { // processes configuration data received from html page if (server.hasArg("CNT")) { count = server.arg("CNT").toInt(); uint8_t saver = server.arg("SAVER").toInt(); if (count > maxSize) count = maxSize; if (count == 0) count = 1; server.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); server.send(200, "text/plain", ""); for (uint8_t j = count; j < maxSize; j++) { // deletes switching times and deactivates unused slots in array times snprintf(times.switchTime[j * 2], sizeof(times.switchTime[j * 2]), "0 "); snprintf(times.switchTime[(j * 2) + 1], sizeof(times.switchTime[(j * 2) + 1]), "0 "); times.switchActive[j] = 0; times.wday[j] = 127; times.astro[j] = 0; } #ifdef DEBUG Serial.printf("Number of active switching times: \"%i\" received and processed successfully\n", count); #endif if (saver == 1) printer(); } if (server.hasArg("newName")) { snprintf(devicename, sizeof(devicename), "%s", server.arg("newName").c_str()); server.send(200, "text/plain", ""); // sends "ok" state and blank message to invisible iframe of requesting html site #ifdef DEBUG Serial.printf("Device Name \"%s\" received and processed successfully\n", devicename); #endif } if (server.hasArg("NTP")) { snprintf(ntpServer, sizeof(ntpServer), "%s", server.arg("NTP").c_str()); server.send(200, "text/plain", ""); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.printf("New NTP Server: \"%s\" received and processed successfully\n", ntpServer); #endif getTimeFromServer(); previousTimeCall = millis(); } if (server.hasArg("REF")) { refreshTime = server.arg("REF").toInt(); if (refreshTime == 0) refreshTime = 1; server.send(200, "text/plain", ""); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.printf("New NTP Refresh Time: \"%i\" received and processed successfully\n", refreshTime); #endif } if (server.hasArg("USER")) { snprintf(www_username, sizeof(www_username), "%s", server.arg("USER").c_str()); snprintf(www_password, sizeof(www_password), "%s", server.arg("PW").c_str()); enableAuth = server.arg("EnableAuth").toInt(); server.send(200, "text/plain", ""); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.printf("New User Name:\"%s\", New Password:\"%s%\", Enable Auth:%i received and processed successfully\n", www_username, www_password, enableAuth); #endif } if (server.hasArg("LONG")) { longitude = server.arg("LONG").toDouble(); latitude = server.arg("LAT").toDouble(); twilight_type = server.arg("TWI").toInt(); server.send(200, "text/plain", ""); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.printf("New Coordinates: Longitude: %f, Latitude: %f, Twilight Type:%i received and processed successfully\n", longitude, latitude, twilight_type); #endif calculateSun(); printer(); } File f = LittleFS.open("/config.txt", "w"); f.printf("%i\n%s\n%i\n%s\n%s\n%i\n%f\n%f\n%s\n%i\n%i\n", count, ntpServer, refreshTime, www_username, www_password, enableAuth, longitude, latitude, devicename, choice, twilight_type); f.close(); } void loadConfig() { // loads configuration data from file on LittleFS File f = LittleFS.open("/config.txt", "r"); if (!f) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("file open failed"); #endif return; } String temp0 = f.readStringUntil('\n'); temp0.trim(); count = temp0.toInt(); String temp1 = f.readStringUntil('\n'); temp1.trim(); if (temp1 != "") snprintf(ntpServer, sizeof(ntpServer), "%s", temp1.c_str()); String temp2 = f.readStringUntil('\n'); temp2.trim(); if (temp2 != "") refreshTime = temp2.toInt(); String temp3 = f.readStringUntil('\n'); temp3.trim(); snprintf(www_username, sizeof(www_username), "%s", temp3.c_str()); String temp4 = f.readStringUntil('\n'); temp4.trim(); snprintf(www_password, sizeof(www_password), "%s", temp4.c_str()); String temp5 = f.readStringUntil('\n'); temp5.trim(); enableAuth = temp5.toInt(); String temp6 = f.readStringUntil('\n'); temp6.trim(); longitude = temp6.toDouble(); String temp7 = f.readStringUntil('\n'); temp7.trim(); latitude = temp7.toDouble(); String temp8 = f.readStringUntil('\n'); temp8.trim(); snprintf(devicename, sizeof(devicename), "%s", temp8.c_str()); String temp9 = f.readStringUntil('\n'); temp9.trim(); choice = temp9.toInt(); String temp10 = f.readStringUntil('\n'); temp10.trim(); twilight_type = temp10.toInt(); f.close(); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.printf("\n Loaded from file successfully:\n NTP Server:\"%s\", Counts (number of active switching times):\"%i\", NTP Refresh Time:\"%i\", Enable Auth:%i, Username:\"%s\", " "Password:\"%s\", Longitude:%f, Latitude:%f, Device Name \"%s\", Choice:%i, Twilight Type:%i\n", ntpServer, count, refreshTime, enableAuth, www_username, www_password, longitude, latitude, devicename, choice, twilight_type); #endif } void showClients() { // master function: sends all clients' IP addresses to html page String dlf = "{\"IPs\":["; for ( int t = 0; t < numOfClients; t++) { if (strcmp(UhrClients[t], "") == 0) snprintf(UhrClients[t], sizeof(UhrClients[t]), ""); // if UhrClients[t]="" -> "" is written into array dlf += "\""; dlf += UhrClients[t]; dlf += "\""; if (t < (numOfClients - 1)) dlf += ","; } dlf += "], \"HOST\":\"" + WiFi.localIP().toString() + "\"}"; server.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); server.send(200, "application/json", dlf); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.print("Client IPs sent successfully: "); Serial.println(dlf); #endif } void handleClients() { // master function: writes clients' IP addresses into file on LittleFS if (server.hasArg("newIP_0")) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("Successfully received the following client IPs: "); #endif for (int t = 0; t < numOfClients; t++) { String provi = "newIP_" + String(t); snprintf(UhrClients[t], sizeof(UhrClients[t]), "%s", server.arg(provi).c_str()); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.printf("%s, ", UhrClients[t]); #endif } server.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); server.send(200, "text/plain", ""); File f = LittleFS.open("/clients.txt", "w"); for (int t = 0; t < numOfClients; t++) { f.printf("%s\n", UhrClients[t]); } f.close(); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println(""); Serial.println("Client IPs successfully written in file"); #endif } } void loadClients () { // master function: loads all clients' IP addresses from file on LittleFS File f = LittleFS.open("/clients.txt", "r"); if (!f) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("opening \"clients.txt\" failed"); #endif return; } #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("Following client IPs successfully loaded from file: "); #endif for (int t = 0; t < numOfClients; t++) { String temp = f.readStringUntil('\n'); temp.trim(); snprintf(UhrClients[t], sizeof(UhrClients[t]), "%s", temp.c_str()); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.printf("%s, ", UhrClients[t]); #endif } #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println(""); #endif f.close(); } void showLog() { // sends log of time server requests String temp = "{\"LOGS\":["; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < numOfLogs; i++) { temp += "\"" + String(serverLog[i]) + "\""; if (i < (numOfLogs - 1)) temp += ","; } temp += "],\"Name\":\"" + String(devicename) + "\" ,\"RFT\":\"" + String(refreshTime) + "\""; temp += "}"; server.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); server.send(200, "application/json", temp); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("Server Log successfully sent"); #endif } void showAstro() { // sends astronomical data char aujourd[11]; strftime(aujourd, sizeof(aujourd), "%d.%m.%Y", &tm); String helper = ""; for (uint8_t j = 0; j < count; j++) helper += times.astro[j]; String temp = "{\"No1\":\"" + String(devicename) + "\", \"Rise\":\"" + String(sunRise) + "\", \"Dawn\":\"" + String(dawn) + "\", \"Set\":\"" + String(sunSet) + "\", \"Dusk\":\"" + String(dusk) + "\", \"Astro\":\"" + helper + "\", \"Choice\":\"" + String(choice) + "\", \"Counts\":\"" + String(count) + "\", \"Date\":\"" + String(aujourd) + "\" }"; server.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); server.send(200, "application/json", temp); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.printf("Device Name \"%s\", Dawn:%s, Sunrise:%s, Sunset:%s, Dusk:%s, Value:%s, Choice:%i, Counts:%i, Date:%s sent successfully\n", devicename, dawn, sunRise, sunSet, dusk, helper.c_str(), choice, count, aujourd); #endif } void handleAstro() { // processes and saves astronomical data sent from html site if (server.hasArg("Astro")) { String prov = server.arg("Astro"); for (uint8_t t = 0; t < count; t++) { String temp; temp = prov.charAt(t); times.astro[t] = temp.toInt(); } choice = server.arg("Choice").toInt(); server.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); server.send(200, "text/plain", ""); processAstro(); printer(); handleConfig(); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.printf("Successfully received the following Astro value:%s, Choice:%i\n", prov.c_str(), choice); #endif } } void processAstro() { // sets astro type according to users choice and sets switching times char astroMorning[6]; char astroEvening[6]; if (choice == 0) { snprintf(astroMorning, sizeof(astroMorning), sunRise ); snprintf(astroEvening, sizeof(astroEvening), sunSet ); } if (choice == 1) { snprintf(astroMorning, sizeof(astroMorning), sunRise ); snprintf(astroEvening, sizeof(astroEvening), dusk); } if (choice == 2) { snprintf(astroMorning, sizeof(astroMorning), dawn ); snprintf(astroEvening, sizeof(astroEvening), sunSet); } if (choice == 3) { snprintf(astroMorning, sizeof(astroMorning), dawn ); snprintf(astroEvening, sizeof(astroEvening), dusk); } for (uint8_t j = 0; j < count; j++) { switch (times.astro[j]) { case 1: snprintf(times.switchTime[j * 2], sizeof(times.switchTime[j * 2]), astroEvening); // evening on break; case 2: snprintf(times.switchTime[(j * 2) + 1], sizeof(times.switchTime[(j * 2) + 1]), astroEvening); // evening off break; case 3: snprintf(times.switchTime[j * 2], sizeof(times.switchTime[j * 2]), astroMorning); // morning on snprintf(times.switchTime[(j * 2) + 1], sizeof(times.switchTime[(j * 2) + 1]), astroEvening); // evening off break; case 4: snprintf(times.switchTime[j * 2], sizeof(times.switchTime[j * 2]), astroEvening); // evening on snprintf(times.switchTime[(j * 2) + 1], sizeof(times.switchTime[(j * 2) + 1]), astroMorning); // morning off break; case 5: snprintf(times.switchTime[j * 2], sizeof(times.switchTime[j * 2]), astroMorning); // morning on break; case 6: snprintf(times.switchTime[(j * 2) + 1], sizeof(times.switchTime[(j * 2) + 1]), astroMorning); // morning off break; } } } void resetDevice() { // restarts device ESP.restart(); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("restarting ESP..."); #endif } void clearCredentials() { // erases WiFi credentials persistently saved in flash memory and restarts device #ifdef DEBUG // -> WifiManager captive portal is shown on follwing start up Serial.println("erasing WiFi credentials"); #endif static_Mode_enabled = 0; File f = LittleFS.open("/IP_mode.txt", "w"); // resets IP config file on LittleFS to default values f.printf("%i\n%i\n%i\n%i\n%i\n", static_Mode_enabled, uint32_t(WiFi.localIP()), uint32_t(WiFi.gatewayIP()), uint32_t(WiFi.subnetMask()), uint32_t(WiFi.dnsIP())); f.close(); WiFi.disconnect(true); // erases WiFi credentials #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("restarting"); #endif delay(5000); ESP.restart(); } String sketchName() { // shortens file name for sendSketchName() char file[sizeof(__FILE__)] = __FILE__; char * pch; char * svr; pch = strtok (file, "\\"); while (pch != NULL) { svr = pch; pch = strtok (NULL, "\\"); } return svr; } void sendSketchName() { String temp = "{\"Name\":\"" + sketchName() + "\" }"; // sends name of current sketch to requesting web page server.send(200, "application/json", temp); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.printf("Current sketch name: "); Serial.print(sketchName()); Serial.println(" sent successfully"); #endif } /// ASTRO CALCULATING FUNCTIONS /// // based on https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=218280.msg1596349#msg1596349 // and https://fipsok.de/Esp8266-Webserver/sonnenaufgang-esp8266.tab double julianDate (int year, int month, int day) { // converts gregorian date to julian date if (month <= 2) { month = month + 12; year = year - 1; } int gregorian = (year / 400) - (year / 100) + (year / 4); return 2400000.5 + 365.0 * year - 679004.0 + gregorian + (30.6001 * (month + 1)) + day + 12.0 / 24.0; } double InPi(double x) { int n = x / TWO_PI; x = x - n * TWO_PI; if (x < 0) x += TWO_PI; return x; } double calculate_EoT(double &DK, double T) { // equation of time -> see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunrise_equation#Calculate_sunrise_and_sunset double RAm = 18.71506921 + 2400.0513369 * T + (2.5862e-5 - 1.72e-9 * T) * T * T; double M = InPi(TWO_PI * (0.993133 + 99.997361 * T)); double L = InPi(TWO_PI * ( 0.7859453 + M / TWO_PI + (6893.0 * sin(M) + 72.0 * sin(2.0 * M) + 6191.2 * T) / 1296.0e3)); double e = DEG_TO_RAD * (23.43929111 + (-46.8150 * T - 0.00059 * T * T + 0.001813 * T * T * T) / 3600.0); // earth's axial tilt -> see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axial_tilt double RA = atan(tan(L) * cos(e)); if (RA < 0.0) RA += PI; if (L > PI) RA += PI; RA = 24.0 * RA / TWO_PI; DK = asin(sin(e) * sin(L)); RAm = 24.0 * InPi(TWO_PI * RAm / 24.0) / TWO_PI; double dRA = RAm - RA; if (dRA < -12.0) dRA += 24.0; if (dRA > 12.0) dRA -= 24.0; dRA = dRA * 1.0027379; return dRA ; } char* outputFormat(double sunTime) { if (sunTime < 0) sunTime += 24; else if (sunTime >= 24) sunTime -= 24; int8_t decimal = 60 * (sunTime - static_cast(sunTime)) + 0.5; int8_t predecimal = sunTime; if (decimal >= 60) { decimal -= 60; predecimal++; } else if (decimal < 0) { decimal += 60; predecimal--; if (predecimal < 0) predecimal += 24; } static char buf[6]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.2d:%.2d", predecimal, decimal); return buf; } void calculateSun() { // see example of astro data and different twilight types: https://www.timeanddate.com/sun/austria/innsbruck const double w = latitude * DEG_TO_RAD; double JD = julianDate(1900 + tm.tm_year, 1 + tm.tm_mon, tm.tm_mday); double T = (JD - 2451545.0) / 36525.0; double DK; double EoT = calculate_EoT(DK, T); double h = -0.833333333333333 * DEG_TO_RAD; // value of h for sunrise/sunset double differenceTime = 12.0 * acos((sin(h) - sin(w) * sin(DK)) / (cos(w) * cos(DK))) / PI; strcpy(sunRise, outputFormat((12.0 - differenceTime - EoT) - longitude / 15.0 + (_timezone * -1) / 3600 + tm.tm_isdst)); strcpy(sunSet, outputFormat((12.0 + differenceTime - EoT) - longitude / 15.0 + (_timezone * -1) / 3600 + tm.tm_isdst)); h = (-1 * twilight_type) * DEG_TO_RAD; // h => -6.0 = civil twilight , -12 = nautical tw., -18 = astronomical tw. differenceTime = 12.0 * acos((sin(h) - sin(w) * sin(DK)) / (cos(w) * cos(DK))) / PI; strcpy(dawn, outputFormat((12.0 - differenceTime - EoT) - longitude / 15.0 + (_timezone * -1) / 3600 + tm.tm_isdst)); strcpy(dusk, outputFormat((12.0 + differenceTime - EoT) - longitude / 15.0 + (_timezone * -1) / 3600 + tm.tm_isdst)); #ifdef LOCAL_LANG Serial.printf("Astro-Date:\nAube: %s - Lever: %s\nCoucher: %s - Crépuscule: %s\n" , dawn, sunRise, sunSet, dusk); #else Serial.printf("Astro Data:\nDawn: %s - Sunrise: %s\nSunset: %s - Dusk: %s\n" , dawn, sunRise, sunSet, dusk); #endif processAstro(); } /// LITTLE_FS //// void html_authentify (String& site) { // verifies authentication for calls via webserver if (!server.authenticate(www_username, www_password)) { return server.requestAuthentication(); } if (server.hasArg("delete")) { LittleFS.remove(server.arg("delete")); // deletes file server.sendHeader("Location", "/spiffs.html"); server.send(303); } else { File f = LittleFS.open(site, "r"); server.streamFile(f, contentType(site)); f.close(); } } void send404() { File f = LittleFS.open("/404.html", "r"); server.streamFile(f, "text/html"); f.close(); } const char Helper[] PROGMEM = R"(
//enables uploading a file before spiffs.html is present on LittleFS
Please upload spiffs.html.)"; const String &contentType(String& filename) { // identifies content type of file if (filename.endsWith(".htm") || filename.endsWith(".html")) filename = "text/html"; else if (filename.endsWith(".css")) filename = "text/css"; else if (filename.endsWith(".js")) filename = "application/javascript"; else if (filename.endsWith(".json")) filename = "application/json"; else if (filename.endsWith(".png")) filename = "image/png"; else if (filename.endsWith(".gif")) filename = "image/gif"; else if (filename.endsWith(".jpg")) filename = "image/jpeg"; else if (filename.endsWith(".ico")) filename = "image/x-icon"; else if (filename.endsWith(".xml")) filename = "text/xml"; else if (filename.endsWith(".pdf")) filename = "application/x-pdf"; else if (filename.endsWith(".zip")) filename = "application/x-zip"; else if (filename.endsWith(".gz")) filename = "application/x-gzip"; else filename = "text/plain"; return filename; } bool handleFile(String&& path) { if (server.hasArg("delete")) { LittleFS.remove(server.arg("delete")); // deletes file server.sendHeader("Location", "/spiffs.html"); server.send(303); return true; } if (!LittleFS.exists("/spiffs.html"))server.send(200, "text/html", Helper); // enables uploading a file before spiffs.html is present on LittleFS: if (path.endsWith("/")) path += "index.html"; if (enableAuth == 1) { return LittleFS.exists(path) ? ({html_authentify(path); true;}) : false; } else { return LittleFS.exists(path) ? ({File f = LittleFS.open(path, "r"); server.streamFile(f, contentType(path)); f.close(); true;}) : false; } } const String formatBytes(size_t const& bytes) { // transforms file size into common format return (bytes < 1024) ? String(bytes) + " Byte" : (bytes < (1024 * 1024)) ? String(bytes / 1024.0) + " KB" : String(bytes / 1024.0 / 1024.0) + " MB"; } void formatSpiffs() { // formats LittleFS Memory LittleFS.format(); server.sendHeader("Location", "/spiffs.html"); server.send(303); } void handleList() { // sends a list of all files on LittleFS to requesting html page FSInfo fs_info; LittleFS.info(fs_info); // fills up FSInfo structure with information about file system Dir dir = LittleFS.openDir("/"); // lists all files saved on LittleFS String temp = "["; while (dir.next()) { if (temp != "[") temp += ','; temp += "{\"name\":\"" + dir.fileName() + "\",\"size\":\"" + formatBytes(dir.fileSize()) + "\"}"; } temp += ",{\"usedBytes\":\"" + formatBytes(fs_info.usedBytes * 1.05) + "\"," + // calculates used memory + additional 5% for safety reasons "\"totalBytes\":\"" + formatBytes(fs_info.totalBytes) + "\",\"freeBytes\":\"" + // shows total memory (fs_info.totalBytes - (fs_info.usedBytes * 1.05)) + "\"}]"; // calculates free memory + additional 5% for safety reasons server.send(200, "application/json", temp); } void handleUpload() { // loads file from computer and saves it to LittleFS static File fsUploadFile; // keeps current upload HTTPUpload& upload = server.upload(); if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_START) { if (upload.filename.length() > 30) { upload.filename = upload.filename.substring(upload.filename.length() - 30, upload.filename.length()); // shortens file name to a length of 30 characters } #ifdef DEBUG Serial.printf("handleFileUpload Name: /%s\n", upload.filename.c_str()); #endif fsUploadFile = LittleFS.open("/" + server.urlDecode(upload.filename), "w"); } else if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_WRITE) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.printf("handleFileUpload Data: %u\n", upload.currentSize); #endif if (fsUploadFile) fsUploadFile.write(upload.buf, upload.currentSize); } else if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_END) { if (fsUploadFile) fsUploadFile.close(); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.printf("handleFileUpload Size: %u\n", upload.totalSize); #endif server.sendHeader("Location", "/spiffs.html"); server.send(303); } } void listener() { server.onNotFound([]() { if (!handleFile(server.urlDecode(server.uri()))) send404(); }); server.on("/json", handleList); server.on("/format", formatSpiffs); server.on("/upload", HTTP_POST, []() {}, handleUpload); server.on("/showname", showDeviceName); server.on("/showCounts", showCounts); server.on("/showConfig", showConfig); server.on("/postCounts", handleConfig); server.on("/postConf", handleConfig); server.on("/showClients", showClients); server.on("/postIPs", handleClients); server.on("/reset", resetDevice); server.on("/ex", clearCredentials); server.on("/sketchName", sendSketchName); server.on("/showLog", showLog); server.on("/eggStart", startEggTimer); server.on("/showEgg", showEggTimeLeft); server.on("/showAstro", showAstro); server.on("/postAstro", handleAstro); server.on("/ouvrir", Ouvre); server.on("/ferme", Ferme); } /// OTA /// // see: https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/blob/master/libraries/ESP8266WebServer/examples/WebUpdate/WebUpdate.ino void enableOTA() { server.on("/ota", HTTP_POST, [ = ]() { digitalWrite(ledPin, led_aktiv); // LED on server.sendHeader("Connection", "close"); server.send(200, "text/html", (Update.hasError()) ? OTAfailMsg : OTAsuccessMsg); delay(1000); ESP.restart(); }, []() { HTTPUpload& upload = server.upload(); if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_START) { WiFiUDP::stopAll(); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.printf("Update: %s\n", upload.filename.c_str()); #endif uint32_t maxSketchSpace = (ESP.getFreeSketchSpace() - 0x1000) & 0xFFFFF000; if (!Update.begin(maxSketchSpace)) { //start with max available size #ifdef DEBUG Update.printError(Serial); #endif } } else if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_WRITE) { if (Update.write(upload.buf, upload.currentSize) != upload.currentSize) { #ifdef DEBUG Update.printError(Serial); #endif } } else if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_END) { if (Update.end(true)) { //true to set the size to the current progress #ifdef DEBUG Serial.printf("Update Success: %u\nRebooting...\n", upload.totalSize); #endif } else { #ifdef DEBUG Update.printError(Serial); #endif } } yield(); }); } void setup() { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.begin(115200); // starts serial communication #endif pinMode(enA, OUTPUT); // pinMode(in1, OUTPUT); pinMode(in2, OUTPUT); pinMode(Pin_ouvert_ok, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(Pin_ferme_ok, INPUT_PULLUP); Serial.println((int32_t)ESP.getChipId()); delay(1000); pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // sets the pin as output digitalWrite(ledPin, led_aktiv); // LED on LittleFS.begin(); // sets up file system loadConfig(); // loads and processes configuration loadClients(); // loads and processes client list wificonnect(); // connects to WiFi checkIfAP(); // checks if WifiManager config portal has been skipped if (AP_established == false) { // normal operation with wifi connection getTimeFromServer(); // calls time server for current time } server.begin(); // starts webserver singleTimerSwitch(); // sets up timeswitch listener(); // defines actions for calls to webserver enableOTA(); // enables over the air update } void loop() { server.handleClient(); // handles webserver timerSwitch(); // handles time switch functions timeGuard(); // handles NTP call intervalls eggTimerGuard(); // handles countdown timer switchButtonGuard(); // handles switch button inputs Verif_etat(); }